Making later life better,

now and in the future.

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© Copyright SEEFA 2022
Registered Charity Number 1156957 SOUTH EAST ENGLAND FORUM ON AGEING
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SEEFA’s Chair, Peter Dale, writes:

Increased longevity is a blessing rather than a burden. We need a paradigm shift in the way later life is viewed, valuing the contribution of older people rather than seeing them just as consumers of resources.

SEEFA knows that ageist attitudes can cause real harm and can affect health and wellbeing. Most older people are fit and healthy and do not need care. People should be assisted to keep on contributing to their communities and remain independent for as long as possible. When services are needed they should be personalised, safe and of a high quality. People should always be treated with dignity and respect.

SEEFA wants to see key later life issues fully explored and debated. You can read more of the SEEFA Agenda here.

Message from the Chair